What is an innovation sprint?

Innovation sprint is a set of design-based workshops, that aim to research, define as well as provide and test solutions to a complicated issue. The sprints happen co-creatively with diverse affected parties. In the span of 8 to 10 weeks, the participants meet in 5 to 6 workshops, which are guided by a neutral outside expert – the facilitator.

The method of the workshops allows teams to gain unique knowledge on the issue from the perspective of various affected parties, as well as test possible solutions in a safe environment. Teams come to the Laboratory with an issue and leave with a tested prototype.

How to apply to an innovation sprint?

The innovation sprints at the State Chancellery are currently organised through the “Developing an eco-system for public administration innovation” project. 

The Innovation Lab organises an open call, where all state administration and municipality institutions can apply. 

More details about the application (in Latvian) can be found here.

The open call to apply for 2024 sprints closed on the 26th of February.

Sprints of 2024

Read more about the Cesis municipality innovation sprint here.
Read more about the Ministry of Health innovation sprint here.
Read more about the Ambulatory Service innovation sprint here.
Read more about the Ministry of Justice innovation sprint here.
Read more about the Tukums municipality innovation sprint here.
Read more about the State Probation Service innovation sprint here.

Sprints of 2023

Read more about the State Revenue Service innovation sprint here.
Read more about the Ministry of Education innovation sprint here.
Read more about the Ministry of Justice and State Land Service innovation
sprint here